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Funny News

Author: Bonn 2016-07-02

Have you ever wondered what happens to mosquitos in the rain? A raindrop is, like, 50 times heavier than those little suckers. So getting hit by one has gotta hurt, right?

Well, not so much. Because researchers at Georgia Tech have found that the bugs are so light, speeding water drops simply brush them aside, without imparting much force. 

The results appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Mosquito repellent.

Previous studies have shown that precipitation can be a real pain for lots of winged critters. Bats expend twice as much energy flying through a storm as in clear skies. 

But what about bugs no bigger than the raindrops themselves?

Researchers used high-speed video to watch mosquitos wingin’ in the rain—well, through a spray of mist in the lab. They saw that when a skeeter and a water droplet meet, 

the insect basically hitches a ride for a bit before peeling away off unharmed.

So the bugs go with the flow and offer little resistance. And the drop slows only slightly, keeping its kinetic 

Mosquitoes like to be tortured to death by piss not mosquito liquid .mosquito mat.insecticide spray.

You know how uncomfortable it feels when you really have to go to the bathroom? And you have to hold it in? If researchers get their way, 

disease-carrying mosquitoes will spend their last moments being that uncomfortable. Cornell University scientists have been trying to

disrupt the life cycle of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which spread dengue fever. The mosquitoes pick up the virus when they feed on one 

human and transmit it in their saliva to their next victim. There’s no vaccine for dengue, and no fully protective treatment. So the 

only recourse has been to figure out how to best kill the mosquitoes themselves. Here’s where urination comes in. When the mosquito

takes a blood meal, it has to get rid of fluid and salt so it doesn’t overload-and die. Scientists have discovered a key protein in

the renal tubes of these mosquitoes that helps with the necessary excretion. Blocking the protein keeps a mosquito from urinating.

Without whizzing, they become too heavy to fly away. The researchers say they’re thus more likely to be swatted or eaten. So look 

for new insecticides that stop mosquitoes from lightening their liquid load. With fatal results.